Our vision for the City Nature Celebration is to foster deep, reciprocal relationships between the human community and the more-than-human world that surrounds us.
We believe that a sustainable future for our collective home will come to fruition when human flourishing and ecological flourishing go hand-in-hand.
To make this vision a reality, we must commit ourselves as individuals, organizations, and municipalities to also cultivating deep, reciprocal relationships with each other.
It is this quality of relationships within systems truly makes “the whole more than the sum of its parts.” This event series is organized by Burlington Wildways and a number of partners so that we can be in service to the health and well-being of our whole community.
Thanks To Our Partners
City Nature Celebration is organized by Burlington Wildways which is a partnership of many of the public facing land-owners of Burlington including the City of Burlington, the Intervale Center, Rock Point, and the Winooski Valley Park District. Together with a variety of community partners, this series of events is made possible.