Spring Ephemerals Walk | 4/27/24 at 3pm
Join Alicia Daniel of Vermont Master Naturalist and Leslie Spencer for a woodland wildflower walk at Ethan Allen Park. Explore the wonder of these early-emerging flowers, where they grow, pollinators that find them so early in the season, and enjoy the company of others on a spring day amongst flowers!

Migratory Bird Walk | 4/28/24 at 10:30am
In late April spring migration starts to ramp up for birds headed north.
Join VCE Conservation Biologist Desiree Narango to search the Intervale forests, edges and meadows for bird species moving through the area. Learn about migratory bird ecology and the importance of urban parks for conservation. No experience necessary, binoculars highly recommended.
Find the VCE table at Spectacular Nature Day!

Early Spring Plant Walk | 4/28/24 at 11:30am
We will take a walk (45min-1hr) along trails at the Intervale Center to talk about plant ecology and early spring emerging species with Ryan Rebozo.
Participants are welcome to bring their own hand-lenses, and there will be a few to share. For those interested, we can spend some time after the walk using plant keys to identify species.
Find the VCE table at Spectacular Nature Day!

Tick Walk | 4/28/24 at 12:30pm
Ticks are here in Vermont so embrace this unique opportunity to learn more about them with Jason Hill! Discover the biology of ticks, and we'll conduct sampling to capture, handle, and identify them.
Participants are encouraged to come dressed in pants with long socks.
Find the VCE table at Spectacular Nature Day!
Photos courtesy of Hannah Obenaus

Bird Walk | 4/28/24 at 1:00pm
Experience spring migration with AmeriCorps members David Hewitt and Matt Hallahan of Audubon Vermont. Grab a pair of binoculars and open your ears as we explore the woods, river and fields of the Intervale Center and learn what birds call this place home. We will discuss annual migration, mnemonics to remember songs and the importance of different habitat types. If you already own binoculars, please consider bringing them so we have enough to share!
Find the Audubon table at Spectacular Nature Day!
Photos courtesy of Gary Gray/ Audubon Photography Awards

Intro to Forest Bathing | 4/28/24 at 1:00pm
Come experience nature in new and deeply familiar ways with the practice of forest bathing. Join this introductory walk to get a sample of what forest bathing can be like for you.
We will walk through the Intervale's Ostrich Fern, Silver Maple Riverine Floodplain forest less than a mile and will conclude with a locally foraged tea.
Guided by Duncan Murdoch, Certified Nature and Forest Therapy Guide and Nature Connection Coach. Visit natureconnectionguide.com
Find Duncan at Spectacular Nature Day!

CANCELLED: Vernal pool walk | 4/28/24 at 3:00pm at Gilbrook Nature Area
Have you heard about the big migration of amphibians? Each spring when it's warm and rainy, many species travel to vernal pools, areas where water remains long enough for laying eggs that develop into frogs, salamanders, and much more before the pool dries up in the summer months.
Come learn about these amazing ephemeral ecosystems with VCE Staff Biologist Kevin Tolan!